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Old 04-24-2009, 02:24 AM   #205
cam21224's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Harlem, NY
Re: Madden 10 Trailer impressions

Originally Posted by jdr4693
EA has you all in the palm of their hand. WAKE UP people, the problems will never be fixed. They show you one trailer and your all ready to let them off the hook for the last 6 years of next gen madden? get real!!
Dude like serious, this is not the same development team. Nor did we get screens, videos, blogs etc... broken down and actually be interacted with by the team putting Madden together in the previous years.

Think about it this way, no one here has to make a un-educated guess anymore since we are receiving news alot earlier then what we would have normally got, not to mention the best news has yet to come.

So ungrateful, this team is pouring their hearts into making Madden better for the long haul. Its like there giving us a early demo(thats not the finish product yet) yet we complain.

Like, wake up dude.

Maybe you do need another blitz style game in your life, im no one to speak for all of the OS football lovers but we perfer a great sim-game of football, which is in the making and smelling better then bacon.

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