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Old 04-24-2009, 02:31 AM   #227
OVR: 9
Join Date: Jan 2009
Re: Madden 10 Trailer impressions

I can't believe some of you are getting giddy over this video. The field depth has improved, and the Oline and Dline interactions appear to have improved, however, there are a lot more problems with this video than good things.

#26 on the Cards has a total wtf moment after Santonio Holmes ran right by him.

The throwing animations and drop back looks terrible. If any EA reps are reading these posts, check out the dude who posted APF 2k8's QB animations in a video. Proceed to copy the animations the best you can. Lawsuit Shmawsuit.

The receivers and DBs still move like C-3P0 after the receiver gets off the line. No running animations have been altered since 06. Don't try to feed me bull about how it played better, etc, because I'm not eating it.

I am now convinced that the head of animations is in fact a japanese robot.
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