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Old 04-24-2009, 04:38 AM   #470
OVR: 9
Join Date: Jan 2009
Re: Madden 10 Trailer impressions

Originally Posted by burne
LOL!!! I know you're actually being very negative about the game, but that doesn't mean I don't find that post hilarious.
Well, I kind of knew it would end up being like it is. I actually gave myself hope that Madden NFL 10 would actually turn out to be something that may be able to hold a candle to NFL 2k5.

As much of a fanboy as I probably look, I'm really not. If NFL Fever 2005 was the best football game, then I'd defend it. If Madden NFL 11 defies all the odds and really is the best Madden ever, then I'd be the first to commend it.

Madden NFL 10, in my opinion, isn't going to live up to expectations, and will therefore be another failure. I'm not trolling. I'm not trying to annoy people. I'm posting my opinion. If some of you can't handle the possibily of my opinion becoming a fact, then that's your problem.

I can understand how some of you still have hope for this game to be the best football game ever. Well, I did too... back in 2006. I'm done pretending, so I'm choosing not to buy this game. Hopefully more people take my path and make EA realize that they can't ship out whatever they want and make tons of profit out of it.

Some of you will defend EA after I post this, and that's your choice, but I'm sticking to my guns and refuse to give them a get out of jail free card year after year.
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