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Old 04-27-2009, 07:42 PM   #127
ProdigyPSU's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Mar 2009
Re: MLB 09: The Show Patch Released 4/27/09 - Impressions and Discussion Here

Originally Posted by The Chef
But, if Knights rosters are contaminated per SCEA themselves saying it and Knight saying that it sucked but had to be done if it fixed the problem, then what does loading from a thumb drive solve? I cant imagine that simply loading from a thumb drive instead of downloading from the vault caused Knight to say how it sucked but had to be done?
Loading from the thumb drive solves the problem in which you can't download them from the vault. You can download them from sendspace, etc.

They will still have the stat glitch, but will also be totally usable if you want to start a franchise...

It sucks for Knight cuz if he wants stat glitch free rosters, or rosters of any kind on the vault, he has to start over.
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