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Old 04-28-2009, 11:43 AM   #337
DrUrsus's Arena
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Re: MLB 09: The Show Patch Released 4/27/09 - Impressions and Discussion Here

Originally Posted by wilb626
I am thinking I am going back to 1.0 or hopefully 1.01 if someone can upload it (or if SCEA can re-release it to us). I have done the workaround for the line-up post patch after spring training. And the rosters do "stick" sometimes, but when you go into the box scores of previous games you will see that "Choo" still did lead off over Sizemore even though in the roster lineup he batted 6th as I had him. Also...all of the rotations are out of whack...we never had this problem of having to reset the rotations. HERE IS WHAT I SUGGEST TO SCEA...GIVE US THE OPTION TO TURN OFF THE LINEUP LOGIC OR HAVE IT DEFAULT ONLY TO CPU LINEUP CONTROL "OFF". It was a nice attempt, but it should be an OPTION only. BTW--did anyone ever complain about this game not having lineup logic in last years game???
I think sometimes the lineups get reset even with my workaround when guys get fatigued, get benched and then the CPU makes its own "game time decisions". Unfortunately, then you have to put the lineups back the way they were. It is not ideal, but that is why it is a workaround. It is better than no lineup control for me, but certainly not what I wanted out of this game this year.

Last night I simmed through the end of July and at least Helton stayed batting 3rd in ALL the box scores for Colorado in sim games. But, that could vary depending on fatigue, I suspect. You will just have to check after every day simmed, is the only way to combat this.
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