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Old 04-28-2009, 04:05 PM   #461
Brazilian A's Fan
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Re: MLB 09: The Show Patch Released 4/27/09 - Impressions and Discussion Here

Originally Posted by EWRMETS
I'm guessing it's because DHs have low stamina and this is probably related to the amount of games they play. If you actually look at the amount of games most DHs play, it's often lower than position players. I can't find any DH that played in 162 games. This might have to do with DHs getting injured or not being very good, but you don't see DHs that play 162 games. Edgar Martinez, the greatest DH of all time, played 155 games in his most games played season.
i dont think the dh fatigue issue comes down to statistics man...
really, there are several factors that make DH's not play 162, and none of them are related to the fact that u will get tired less playing as a DH than as a position player, for the simple fact that instead of beeing on the field when your team is pitching ull be resting on the bench
PSN: brunnoce
Thanx Knight165
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