I didn't know you couldn't turn them off for online, so I will concede you that point. I'd like to add though, that the weapon icon underneath players was the last complaint I heard from people when talking about online.
I really didn't see an abundance of players rated low that had weapons, but it's not like that concept is out of the realm of possibility. These 50 OVR players could be very strong against the run (when I say strong, I don't mean technique, just sheer strength). Additionaly, ratings sucked in general last year anywayy. It's not like a route running weapon ran a route better than a guy without it, or a Brick wall tackled any better than someone without it. It was just a placebo thing for the most part (IMO).
And about screen clutter, just turn them off when you can. It's for the casual gamers, and they are usually casual because they don't feel like sitting there and studying everyones roster or following football closely.
Again, I understand some of your guy's complaints about them, especially the online part. But complaining about a visual icon that is easily turned off in every other mode is pretty redundant as it has no effect on gameplay whatsoever.