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Old 04-29-2009, 05:31 PM   #40
RGiles36's Arena
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Re: Madden 10 Vids @

Originally Posted by Valdarez
Still looks like there are missing frames when the game is in motion (yet the game looks good in replay.... 2.5 weeks later, and still no answer to why this is the case)
You're the only guy I see who says that collectively, the game looks better in replay than it does during the game.

To me, a flaw in the past couple years were that some of the tackles were "fast-fall" animations. This made it seem like there were frames missing in some of the animations. I didn't notice many of these ugly tackles in CD build I played.

I'm hard-pressed to believe that you think the EA Sports Highlight vids, which are basically replays, look better than Madden 09 in motion.

P.S. No one is entitled to a response to the devs. Add your name to the's impossible for them to respond to everyone.
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