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Old 04-29-2009, 07:45 PM   #757
OVR: 11
Join Date: Feb 2005
Re: MLB 09: The Show Patch Released 4/27/09 - Impressions and Discussion Here

Originally Posted by rondoman
Wow. Way to commit to the people waiting days, yes, literally days for some kind of word on another patch, to a patch that has screwed things up for the last 3 days.It's nothing personal, just frustration getting the best of me at this point. It is going on 2 months since this game was released, 2 patches, and basically more problems than when we started. . .
I understand the frustration, but I can also understand why Russell and the rest of the SCEA crowd posts in the way that they do. I work for one of the largest companies in the world, and I never realized the implications of that until I started taking numerous training courses on confidentiality and legality of what we say. Regardless of whether I'm at work or away from work, the fact that I work for the company I do automatically ties whatever I say to the company I work for. When I'm away on a business trip, EVERYTHING I say or do can be considered representative of my company regardless of any "qualifier" I place on it. So I have to watch EVERYTHING I say and there's a lot of things I simply can not talk about for various legal reasons.

In the overly litigous society we live in today, if Russell came on here and said something, anything, that was even remotely confidential or offensive in any manner, SCEA and Sony could be sued for it. I actually feel pretty bad for Russell because he has to sit and think about EVERYTHING he types up in these forums before he actually posts it. I'm sure there is a LOT more he would like to say but he legally can't because whatever he says is representitive of the company he works for. Whether he likes that or not.
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