04-29-2009, 08:57 PM
I think a cartoony looks works great for the Wii. As long as they design games specifically for the Wii then it'll look better than trying to port something over. It doesn't necessarily have to be cartoony, but it works.
The Wii version is not just PS2 + slightly better graphics either. The whole "call your shotZ" or what ever they called it... where you get to draw your own routes was an amazing feature and I hope they build on it this year.
I'll probably be getting NCAA on the 360 and Madden on the Wii (although I may rent Madden on 360 as well just to check it out). Either way, the Wii def. deserves more respect than it gets from (most) developers and folks here at OS.
MLB Power Pros, Pro Evolution Soccer, Madden, Tiger Woods and hopefully the two Tennis games coming out this year show that the Wii, when treated right, can be great for sports games (not to mention Wii Sports and hopefully Punch Out as well).