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Old 04-30-2009, 12:04 PM   #859
Don Mattingly is God
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Re: MLB 09: The Show Patch Released 4/27/09 - Impressions and Discussion Here

Originally Posted by Knight165
Guys....the only thing effected in the roster is the historical stats.
You can use them in any way, shape or form....You can use them in season, in practice, in franchise. You can use them for exhibition, for quick games for RTTS.
You can play them in your sweat pants...your the suit that God gave you while drinking a mint julip and eating grapes.
Holy heck what would you guys do in a real emergency!!

I can't believe I actually feel bad like somehow all this added pressure on SCEA is caused by me. I cannot however start these rosters over again just to rid them of the stat glitch. Just can't do it.


Noone takes the time to just try things....I loaded up my pre-patch season using your rosters and everything's fine. My house didn't blow up, my dog didn't get sick...nothing happend...
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