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Old 04-30-2009, 06:32 PM   #246
burne's Arena
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jun 2007
Re: Madden NFL 10 Videos (IGN)

Originally Posted by Valdarez
Watch at about :45 in and pay attention to Y and the route the player runs. Look at the way he cuts, and the separation that he gets. Rewind, and watch the other routes and look at the separation on those.

Looks good.

X gets caught up, for a good 2 seconds or so. Looks a bit long for a bump situation.
Looks good except for B. The way he starts and eventually stops are too sudden, IMO. No cuts or planted feet. As for the bump, sometimes bumps in the NFL do last that long with good bump corners. In fact, sometimes they ride them clear out of bounds and take them out of the entire play. Depends on what the matchup there was.
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