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Old 05-01-2009, 01:40 AM   #991
ltw0303cavs's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: Sep 2006
Re: MLB 09: The Show Patch Released 4/27/09 - Impressions and Discussion Here

Wow, I havent seen this much craziness over a patch since..quick story, long time ago there was a game called front page sports football for the PC, it was going to give us finally the ability to play football but but be able to build a franchise, draft free agents etc, this is when Madden was still basically a arcade game. Anyway when it first came out , it got a huge following and it didnt even have the nfl license, eventually it did. after about 3 years/versions we thought this is the year when it was all was coming together. Game came out..was a mess, crashes bugs, totally unplayable. We kept getting promised a patch,and when it finally did, made the game crash more. They offered money back, and then told everybody that was it. 3 months later Dynamix who made the game got absorbed by Vivendi and it was gone never to be seen again. TRUST me when i say this, be thankful, not saying fan boys but appreciate what we have. Make criticism constructive and just play the game, have fun.
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