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Old 05-01-2009, 08:16 PM   #1177
OVR: 1
Join Date: Apr 2009
Doc you mean reboot router and my dsl box? Im also going to try runnig The Show first without it being connected to network. How bout if the game runs without being online and updating!? Does that mean I just have to wait for some sort of update via Ps3 internet update or Show update that doesnt look like its coming. I just have a feeling it s this weird issue and not my system because i dust it. shut it down properly and I know never to turn system off during yellow light or nstall of any kind! I know that and would never lose the frame of mind to mess it up that way! My nephew broke PsP by messing wit it during a install process! It never worked again. I just feel something fishy going. Well thanks and hope to keep in touch. Im gonna go c at what stage the restoratio is at and then A) Try different game aside from show B) Try the show w/o it being online C) Dont know what C is going to be, probably just get depressed that my life is in disarray and now my Ps3 is broken. Lets hope I dont go with C
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