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Old 05-03-2009, 02:05 AM   #1304
*ll St*r
Knight165's Arena
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Re: MLB 09: The Show Patch Released 4/27/09 - Impressions and Discussion Here

Here is the deal fellas.

Once you patch your game...any roster you put in the game...gets updated by the patched version of the game.
THAT particular roster will then no longer be a valid save for a non patched version of the game.

v1-v2 and v3 of my rosters were made and uploaded to sendspace from a non-patched machine.....therefore they will
A. Work in a non-patched version of the game
B. Work in a patched version of the game(because once you load it....the game updates it...this is for the vault)

But if you download from those will always be able to use them in a non-patched game(plus I have them saved for the future ...just in case)

v4-v5 and v6 were updated on my machine that has the patch(at the time I didn't know (strike two Kolbe )...that it would change the structure)...

HOWEVER....I will make non-patched versions of those files if the need arises.

SCEA is conspiring to make me blind!

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