Thread: Broke Yotes!!
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Old 05-06-2009, 12:01 AM   #4
OVR: 31
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Westchester County, NY
Re: Broke Yotes!!

my bad, hehe. nobody posted a thread about the yotes going bankrupt before, and had JUST put up the article the second that i posted this (not exactly, but you catch my drift, lol) so i figured it's new news and deserved it's own thread.

i didn't realize they had been bankrupt for so long. still, if it literally JUST got put up on, then that's another shame point on the shame-o-meter for gary bettman. first he ruins television ratings in america, and then he bankrupts phoenix (winnipeg, lol) and now he can't even find decent webmasters!! What's wrong with this guy, he's turning the NHL into a madhouse, almost like the NBA!! Why can't we do the same thing they did and get rid of him already!!
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