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Old 05-06-2009, 05:58 PM   #4
OVR: 1
Join Date: Dec 2008
Re: Good NCAA 09 roster for importing draft classes into Madden 09? (360)

Originally Posted by deadgrnlntrn
Sorry to say, but Madden 09 makes this pointless. I spent a while editing an NCAA roster that already had the players named, trying to take into consideration the attribute adjustments in Madden so that the players would not be over or under rated.

It seems Madden resets the attributes at complete random. Some examples:

These are the overalls I set for the players in NCAA, with the goal being 4-5 points lower in my Madden franchise;

B.J. Raji - 84 OVR
Malcolm Jenkins - 89 OVR
Michael Mitchell - 83 OVR

And the results of the draft class after importing into Madden.....

B.J. Raji - 66 OVR
Malcolm Jenkins - 92 OVR
Michael Mitchell - 40 OVR

This is complete garbage, and needs to be fixed for Madden 10. If they are not capable of adjusting attributes to take into consideration a college player will not be as good at the pro level, then just have the ratings stay the same between the two games.

Totally agreed, man. It's pretty bad. Franchise mode, with imported draft classes is one of my favorite features of Madden...but the stat thing REALLY ruins it.

However, I would still like a good roster, for it. What I mainly ment in my OP was a roster that is set so the proper people come out of college at the right time. (Matt Stafford, Chris Wells, etc. the first year and Tebow next year, etc.)

so anyone able to help me out here?
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