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Old 05-06-2009, 09:07 PM   #17
OVR: 7
Join Date: Apr 2009
Re: EA's Pro Tak needs ump I know its WIP....

pro tak is way more advanced than that 2k5 crap, which only allows 3 player gang tackles just like madden 09. pro tak is simulating real gang tackles when the running back is hard to take down and it takes alot of defenders to get them down. im sure madden will have some violent tackles when there are only like 2 or 3 players in on the tackle and you can come in and hit stick a player being held up.

so you need to stop hating and get out of here with that weak *** 2k5 crap which by the way they run like ******s. 2k football is done, so go play some 2k5 and get out of here.
big_larry is offline  
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