05-08-2009, 01:54 PM
OVR: 8
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: PA (formally MA)
Posts: 476
Re: Fight Night Round 4 Hands-On Preview/Impressions (Money99 Blog)
Money...awesome write up. It sounds like you had a great time and I'm itching to play this game more than any game that I can remember. I have a couple of questions.
1. I'm a stick player on FN3. Does that mean the learning curve for me should be minimal?
2. What fighters did you get to use? Could you feel the difference in each fighters ability and difference in weightclass? Did everyone at the event have the full roster at their fingertips to use? If so, does the rumored roster look pretty accurate?
3. I noticed in one of the other preview write ups (Eurogamer or videogamer) that DLC was mentioned as a possiblity. Did anyone at the event suggest this was indeed a viable option to get fighters like PBF, Hopkins, Ward, DLH, Marquez, Juan Diaz, etc.? It just seems that the omission of Hopkins, Ward, DLH, and others who were in the last installement is somewhat puzzling.
I'm so fired up for the game.
PSN: bronk14