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Old 05-09-2009, 03:50 PM   #153
OVR: 16
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Kalamazoo, MI
Blog Entries: 6
Good article. I agree with a lot, and I disagree with a lot.

The hitting is both good and bad in MVP, in my eyes. It's good because you have the control, as you mention, but I can't stand the lack of location hitting. When the ball goes outside, goes a little down and in, I don't want to strictly swing based on my arm motion. I want t swing based on location.

I really loved the hitter's eye in MVP. I do wish they brought that to The Show. It's far more real than guess pitch, though I don't use guess pitch. I WISH they'd implement this feature.

Baserunning was better in MVP, I agree there.

The Dynasty/Owner mode was very good in MVP, though the hot dog prices and such go a little beyond what I care about in a sports game. I really got a kick out of the stadium builder feature, where you could slowly upgrade your new stadium over the course of time, as you *earned* money (not taking out a loan from the piggy bank).
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