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Old 05-10-2009, 12:04 AM   #167
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Re: Three Things MVP 05 Still Does Better

Originally Posted by jim416
Not you, the person who wrote the article. The problem with this entire thread is people aren't even bothering to read what the dev wrote regarding the hitting. They're taking what was factually wrong, running with it, and like Brian said, it becomes an urban legend.

This thread should be moved to the MVP forums as this would have never survived this long had I, or anyone else posted it. It's become a "What's Better MVP or The Show". Just saying, if I would have posted this it would have been closed, and rightfully so, and we would have been told that there is an "impressions thread", lol. That's all.

It's taken on a life of it's own, MVP vs. The Show.

I wrote the article- I'm Christian McLeod.

There was nothing factually wrong about what I wrote about The Show's hitting system. The bottom line is that PCI is not 1:1 left stick hitting like in MVP. That is EXACTLY what I talked about in my article, and even in Brian's response he admits that along with PCI there are other factors that go into into what determines where a ball is hit in The Show. I never said one thing in the article that was not factual about the hitting system in The Show.

I agree with you though in that people are not reading this article. What I think many people are not understanding is that I said I enjoy the game immensely, and have it on my short list of GOTY. That being said- there are certain areas that MVP still does better than The Show, and those were clearly defined in my article.
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