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Old 05-11-2009, 07:14 PM   #53
OVR: 21
Join Date: Jul 2002
Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: A Deeper Look Into Pass Blocking

One thing I pulled from this blog that helps is the example Ian gave about 2K in regards to defenders not recognising situations.

Most I think(I sure did) would have interpreted that as being a "AI" problem when its really players stuck in a animation loop.

With what Ian has proposed to remedy problems in both games sounds logical. But also raises some questions.

The animation windows that will allow defenders a way out you say will aloow the elite linemen to be more disruptive on the initial early window. I love the way it sounds. So scenerio:

If I have Demarcus Ware is shooting from the edge and he hits the pre-engage window upon approaching a Tackle...a average one. I would expect him to win 6 out of 10 times(enough for it to be noticable, a annoyance to the offense to the point they have to adjust). I would love this because it causes the offense to have to adjust.

NOW will the offense be given functions to help them double Ware with line blocking audibles/motion spy(TM)...(where you can send a TE in motion and while he is in motion you can hot assign him to pick up a specific LB or double a DE)

I feel that whatever feature you bring to the table should have direct / game changing impact on the overall football strategy going on during the game.

Your blog of your feature sounds good and I like it but will you tweak it to have IMPACT and give both sides of the ball ways to adjust and counter ?
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