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Old 05-12-2009, 12:07 AM   #167
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jul 2003
Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: A Deeper Look Into Pass Blocking

Originally Posted by Valdarez
You should watch more videos, someone has already called out a double team block in a past video. Sorry, not sure which one it was, but it was there, and it was on the OLine.

Double teams were a problem in 2K's APF2K8 game, as they happened unnecessarily too often, allowing blockers to come through untouched. Nothing worse than having 3 men rush, seeing a double team on the DE to right, with the center moving the other way and the NT allowed to come through pretty much clean. So I guess the addition of double teams will concern me far more than the lack of them.
Hmm....if they are in, then that is a great step.

Double teams were not a "problem" in 2k8. Sorry. It happens in real life where a player is doubled and another becomes free. The is a drawback to the double team block.

Never have seen the immaculate OL blocking in 2k described as a "problem" before. Hence why Ian said he is using them as a benchmark....
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