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Old 05-17-2009, 12:26 PM   #154
We had subs. It was crazy
MBFranchise's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Pre-E3 Hands-On (IGN)

Originally Posted by Mad 69
Could you give us reasons why people should not say Madden 10 is going to be better than NCAA 10? This has been the case every year (Madden better than NCAA) and everyone seems to realize it. We don't care about more game modes, we just want whats broken - fixed. Gameplay is what is most important, why waste even an hour developing game types such as Mascot games?
Picture this:

Coke Zero approaches the NCAA team and says: We will pay you to create Mascot Game and Season Showdown. Neither will take much time to develop and will invariably make 8 year olds buy the game at Wal-Mart. The tradeoff will be that a little of your gameplay development time will be used up. That may upset that hardcore sports gamers but let's face it, they'll buy the game anyway. Work on something that appeals to people who normally won't buy the game because they don't know any better.

Its all about money.
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