I've got a few things to chime in on here. First, presentation of the injury sequence...
An overhead stadium shot here is not proper. This a golden opportunity to spotlight the Head Coach making a key decision. This is where 100% of the time on TV on Sunday's the Head Coach is going to get a lot of camera time... this is why the Head Coaches are so important to presentation and why I've been stressing it so much. These are the moments where their presence shines.
In a situation like this, I'd want to see the Head Coach on his headset talking and/or looking concerned about the situation... pacing, a facial expression... something. But an overhead stadium shot? Naaaaahhhhhhhh. They don't do that on Sunday's in a situation like this... a cutscene of some sort needs to be placed here, something... just not this stadium shot.
With all that said, this is a cool system. I have some reservations about how severe injuries will be handled... i.e., a serious injury that happened on just one play might've put a guy out for the game in past years... will that happen in 10? Or is it always a deal where there is going to be an option to put the guy back in.
I chatted with Phil about the injury system at CD, and I got the impression from him that it may be a deal where every injury is a decision situation. Perhaps that's changed since, and I'm hoping so because some situations should just be severe enough to put a guy out without there having to be a decision made.