05-20-2009, 09:33 AM
Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: Revamping How Injuries Work
I have a few more thoughts about this injury vid:
1. The ref looks kinda weird just standing by swinging his arms. He doesn't seem to even be acknowledging the injury. He should be turned facing it at least. Also, I think for next year we need new idle animations. Guys just standing swinging their arms is a bit weird.
2. Of course the players should be more in-tune to the injury situation.
3. A poster on PastaPadre made an excellent point when he said: "dammit. i thought they said the sidelines would hav high res players and kickers warming up. the only thing i saw different was the low res coach pacing along the low res players."
Coach Raisin Head strikes again.
I see that the injury sequence is not a cutscene and for the most part that's okay. But the low-res situation kind of hurts things. Can DOE effects take over here? It may be a stretch because of the distance though.