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Old 05-25-2009, 02:22 PM   #92
OVR: 9
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Re: Blog is up! Run blocking improvements...

Originally Posted by Valdarez
As a primarily APF2K8 player, who tried to play Madden '09 and found it wanting, it's really hard to make the adjustment of not having control of your line calls. I'm watching the videos again and I see a lot of straight line DLine calls for your examples (no stunting), which is fine, but what I don't like is that they are all straight up engagements. There's no control of gap right/left to take away edge runs, or razors/pinches/all in to take away the gaps, or a fan to try to control the QB roll outs. Will Madden ever give us the ability to control the DLine assignments instead of binding it to a specific play, thus greatly reducing the strategy of defensive play?
I see you say this many times in threads on this forum but I am confused...are you not aware of the fact that you CAN call for D-Line slants left and right or fans in or out? Yes, there is no stunts for the D-Line, but that is one of 5 examples that you use to constantly harp on the lack of control in Madden.

Don't get me wrong, Madden 09 was far, far from perfect, but I can't see the strength of the argument when the facts are misrepresented like that. There are plenty of reasons to knock Madden but lack of D-Line options when it is really a lack of stunt calls and not a total lack of d-line options seems a little weak...

In the videos, I see plenty of minor adjustments that are adding up to a hopefully major change in gameplay overall. Then again, I find myself in the minority who think the running animations are fine as well...
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