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Old 05-26-2009, 12:46 AM   #158
OVR: 10
Join Date: Jun 2007
Re: BONUS Madden 10 blog!

Originally Posted by bigwill33
I am apparently in the minority here, but I would like to just see this for games like the Super Bowl or Conf. Championship games. Too many times or too many stadiums make it overdone and boring. I want those big games to have new experiences and make it feel important and different.

I was already hyped just looking at that pic and couldn't wait to try and get to the SB. With everyone and their uncle wanting this in their home teams stadium for just about every game I got less excited.

To actually get these very jets to fly over should be an honor. I know some people in football stadiums front offices and it is much harder to book these jets than people think. I know for the Bucs/Seahawks games on Alstott night that the jets were nixed by the gov't on game day. They had to go with a prop plane as a replacement last minute.

To me having this overdone would be like when they had the full moon for night games back on ps2. The first time you played at night you were like "oh cool the moon!", after playing about 3 night games you were like "Really? Another full moon?"

Just a fans take.

I agree for the most part. However, in addition to the Super Bowl and Conf. Championships, I'd suggest having just ONE random flyover during a regular season game in Franchise ie. week 4 on the Cowboys schedule at home. Something to that effect. That way, we know we're going to get one but we won't know when. And it won't get worn out that way.

For Play Now, just make it random, period. Maybe 30% of the Play Now games get the flyover??

My 2 cents.
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