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Old 05-27-2009, 10:40 AM   #6
EA Game Changer
LuGer33's Arena
OVR: 10
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Re: defending the wraparound

Hit the ice with your stomach. I hate people who ignore positional defense in lieu of simply diving all over the ice, but it is somewhat effective if your opponent is going to keep going for wraparounds. Also, by the third or fourth time he's tried it, you should know it's coming, and adjust your defensive play accordingly. I recall someone I played in versus once kept trying to wrap it over, and over, and over all game long, despite the fact that he was only successful in completing the move a few times in the first. Every time after, I drove him wide and then buried him along the back or sideboards before he could get around for the glitch.

The best part about people like that is they are one trick ponies. Stop their BS and they don't know what to do. Then it becomes an easy win, and everyone is happy. At least, everyone that matters.
EA SPORTS Game Changer
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