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Old 05-28-2009, 06:12 PM   #20
N@X_WiZaRD's Arena
OVR: 3
Join Date: Feb 2009
Re: Wow, Joystiq rights a "wrong"...

Originally Posted by Derrville
I dont see any wrong with this article. Joystiq just isnt gonna go "PRAISE EA, PRAISE IAN" like a bunch of yall do.

They're hesitant, like they should be. Sounds more like EA whined about the way they took it and pressured them to write this.
Hey, I'm all for being skeptical. I got a few infractions for some of my more firey posts (ones I didn't deserve! *Ahem* lol). But this guy doesn't even know what he's really being skeptical about. Rather than legitimately attacking Pro-Tak by mentioning it's potential downfalls, he attacks EA for not working on "Team-Play" and over-exaggerates it's importance to most fans. He also repeatedly references his "doubts" about each gameplay addition, without mentioning exactly why he's doubtful (except the nebulous reason that Madden always sucks). I saw very little relevant substance in any of his points.

If I were that Joystiq editor, I would do a much better job at attacking EA, lol. But since I'm not an editor, and I'm giving EA the benefit of the doubt (until E3), I do not have such aspirations.
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