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Old 05-29-2009, 01:30 PM   #438
OVR: 28
Join Date: Jul 2004
Blog Entries: 1
Re: Fight Night Round 4 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by JayBee74
So you say but the arc movement on the stick for head uppercuts and head hooks are very much like the real life motion used to throw these punches.
No they aren't ANYTHING like throwing punches in real life. I don't know about you but I've been in many fights and never had to stop and think "Ok I wan't to catch this dude leaning into me with an uppercut, ok let me tuck my arm in a bit. Let me position my feet, ok I got that, ok now let me tilt a little here, ok...". If I had to fight like this in real life I would have gotten my butt kicked daily.

I don't understand some of you though defending the game like it's your mother. It's a to each his own type of thing and for my own I don't care for the forced control scheme. If anything a stick user should have an advantage because they keep their thumb on one stick where as a button user has to move from button to button so I don't know where all the complaining is coming from. A well programmed game can implement both without giving the advantage to either user.

EDIT: Well said allBthere
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