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Old 05-30-2009, 06:52 AM   #104
OVR: 9
Join Date: Dec 2007
Re: Some Jets Seahawk gameplay

Originally Posted by PolkaDot
The red circle does not bother me . . . On the other hand, how has no one mentioned how awfully hideous Sanchez's feet look. He looks like Sonic the Hedgehog the way he takes 10 steps to move 1 yard *barf animation*
I didn't notice that or the red dot until I read these comments. I'd rather have the red dot less noticeable or off, but it isn't a big deal to me. As for the 'Sonic feet,' I didn't see that at first either and thought you were exaggerating, but when I re-watched the video it was pretty ridiculous. Hope that gets some tuning.

The game looks good though. The pocket looked good on the Hasselbeck pass, but not so great on the Sanchez one. I'd say they were playing on a Pro or something, though.
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