05-30-2009, 10:14 PM
Re: Madden NFL 10 Gameplay Video: Eagles @ Cowboys (IGN)
Wowwwwwwww.......Yep Im not going to by madden now becuz of 1 run play and 3 pass plays...... (sarcasm)
What is funny to me is that some people are talking about the game having bad gameplay........You cant see some of the gameplay you have to feel some of it out through the controller. That is soo funny to me.
-You people wanted 3-4 OLBs leaning over....Guess what. Ian gave it to you
-You wanted ratings to matter more. Guess what Donny gave it to you by the WR blowing past a LB
And as well im sure most of you guys saw the thing on Spike tv.....That was damn good LOOKING gameplay to me. Did any of you see that PUNT, it looked great and it looked like the punters weight transfered with the punt.
All im saying is how can you judge a game off of 4 plays.......Man If I was Ian I wouldnt come back either....
Im not an EA *** kisser but this is ******* crazy.....It has been 1 year and you want madden to do a 180 spin.....GET REAL........