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Old 06-02-2009, 11:59 AM   #318
Donny Baseball!
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Re: Finally...The Truth About Online Franchise

Originally Posted by PacMan3000

You say don't have 32 people, just find five or six guys and play a franchise--but how would that work? Would you have a finite amount of time to finish your weekly games? Meaning, it's week one in our franchise mode, and I have till Friday to complete my game. Then it's Wednesday and Jim and John finish their week one games. Then it's Thursday and the last few guys fit in their week one games.

In our group as with any successful group, you have to have good communication. If everyone is done and just 1 player is left to complete their week you have option. Either sim it or everyone can agree to just give the player more time. We didn't set a certain time but expected it to be completed withing a week or so. We went well over a week at times also because everyone realized life takes over sometimes.

And then what happens? We simulate the computer's game and it goes to week two? Yep.

If so, wouldn't it take about 3 months to finish a season--and that's if people stick with it or don't run into issues in their personal life.

Again this is dependant on the players you have. Basically get a good group of players and talk it out beforehand. No matter what happens the league can always move on with the simming or drop player option

How would free agency work? How does the draft work? You just gotta hope all six guys are free for a two or three hour block of time, like a fantasy football draft? Don't think anyone is sure how the draft will work yet.

And what happens if someone is doing poorly? Will your friend want to stick it out and play an hour long game every week when he's heading down a path to a 4-12 season? Lord knows, as huge of a football fan as I am, even I tend to wane in my interest in fantasy football when my team begins to flounder.

Well if he doesn't he should be playing anyways. Isn't winning/losing and re-building for the future what dynasty is all about? If I always won that would get boring to me.

In a perfect world, online franchise sounds like it could be tons of fun. But I'm still not clear on how it realistically can come to fruition.
I can honestly say that playing people you know play realistically and not just talk a good game of realistic play will beat the offline vs CPU only experience, hands down.
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