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Old 06-07-2009, 12:42 PM   #134
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Re: Whew - PRO-TAK is much better now.

Originally Posted by shotgun styles
NO NO NO....and um, HELL NO!

There is no "catch up speed" in real life, so there shouldn't be any in this game. If you want to stop outside runs, your DL should not allow the end to be sealed, and your LBs should flow to the ball and take good tackling angles.

I wouldn't say no categorically here. The speed ratings are supposed to be based on 40 times, but they do not account for lateral movement. How else can they account for an aging Ray Lewis vs Chris Johnson on a swing pass? In real life Ray cut him off and blew him up. In Madden however, Johnson easily beats Lewis to the corner and runs up the field (this happened in the CD build actually and it was Lewis but the back was Lawrence Maroney; Lewis just couldn't get out on the swing pass. I was like ummmm we got a problem). They do not have a closing speed rating/attribute, so they have to account for it somewhere or else swing passes with fast HB's would be money.
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