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Old 06-11-2009, 09:35 AM   #285
sink4ever's Arena
OVR: 9
Join Date: Dec 2004
Re: NCAA Football 10 Rosters Issue

Originally Posted by ms24forever
Really? Really? EA=fail! Did you just come up with this? Be honest with me! You are truly an original. What great insight. Thank you for clarifying this.

It are post from the mentally challenge(d) like this Pylon (definition in context - useless tool that sits there and does nothing), that makes me wonder whatever happened to natural selection. Darwin must be truly turning over in his grave. Your "type" should have died off years ago. Posts like the one I have quoted have multiplied like rabits since the EA developers have come to these boards. It has become like, a marching band of idiots pronouncing to the world that "EA sucks" and they want the developers to know it. I don't post often, however I wish people like this would just GROW A LUMP and just die.

Again, thanks for the original insight.
Seriously? Pot, meet kettle. Nice glass house, by the way.

I do sincerely hope that EA can find a solution to this so that TeamBuilder isn't completely scrapped and correct rosters are available for all online and offline games. This was going to be the first time I bought this game on the first day, but now I'm going to have to wait and see what their solution is.
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