06-11-2009, 05:33 PM
OVR: 42
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Not even on the map. Really, it isn't. =/
Posts: 5,853
I'm definitely buying this game. I love playing blitz just because you can do the crazy things that are not allowed in the NFL. I'm buying this game off of the technology alone. Those are without a doubt the most violent/realistic hits I've ever seen in a football game and, thats about all it has going for it from what I've seen and thats all I need. Plus 11v11 online with really good graphics. I gotta give this game a try.
If the saying is true that every tackle is different then I will be on this game alot. Maybe not as much as madden but just depends on how fun BB will be.
I'm ready to lay someone out.
Last edited by SouthernBrick; 06-12-2009 at 12:21 AM.