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Old 06-12-2009, 02:52 AM   #82
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay

That video sparked my interest in the game again. While clearly some things point out to being issues again like OL/DL if the game truly has incompletions that are not just dropped inceptions that is a step forward. If the CPU RB will stay in bounds on runs that is a step forward- wasn't in this video just others.

While i still am on the fence with this game and its pretty sad that so many things are still missing, this is a start. If the gameplay videos show the deep ball from the CPU and not a bunch of CPU QB runs with slow *** people then i might actually get this game. Hopefully, the CPU recruiting is better too.

Overall, solid video in my opinion based on what i expected.
Gamertag and PSN Name: RomanCaesar
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