06-12-2009, 06:02 PM
Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: Central Gameplay
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Originally Posted by TheTodd84 |
Someone brought this up awhile ago, but it needs to happen. Stop developing sports games on an annual basis. We no longer need it in 2009 or going forward. We have brand new technology that is getting more and more complicated to develop for, so if you have to build a sports game from the ground up, as EA did in 2006 or 7, it is IMPOSSIBLE to make a game without serious flaws in just one year.
It is time where sports developers take two years to develop a game. DLC is available at the drop of a hat. Instead of rushing to develop NCAA '11, why doesn't EA devote 95% of their time to NCAA '12 and addressing most of the concerns and then give us animation tweaks, roster and uniform updates via DLC. And for those out there who do not have a fast internet connection or play online at all, then maybe EA could just make a disc with just the new content on, send it out to game stores and the kids could pick it up there for the same price.
I think the age of developing sports games on a yearly cycle is more of a headache than it needs to be. Because of the increasing technology, games take a lot longer to develop. I don't think that the idea of releasing uniform/animation/roster updates every down year is an unrealistic proposition. It could be done and it would work. I guarantee there are hundreds upon thousands, if not millions of people out there who will pay upwards of $10 a pop for accurate updated rosters, $7-10 for uniform and equipment updates of EVERY player, $7-12 for animation or gameplay updates on the off-year. Of course, this is purely speculation, but game companies could do market research and find out for themselves.
I think that until this is the precedent for sports games, there will be these headaches and false promises EVERY SINGLE YEAR. It is just a shame that licensing contracts with the leagues may be preventing this and may be requiring a game to come out every year. I don't know, I'm not a lawyer.
But until this happens, we will continue to hear the same garbage every year. And also, All-Pro 2K8 had over two years to develop, OF COURSE it would have better animations and engine than the EA games that year bc EA already had an engine in place and were trying to work with that on a yearly cycle. And there won't be another All-Pro until NEXT YEAR, which means they will have had THREE YEARS to work on the next one. Big advantage in making a great game.
Just my two cents. Carry on.
People need to stop buying the game every year if this was ever going to happen. Companies don't just turn their back on $$$ to make a better product.