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Old 06-12-2009, 08:32 PM   #236
jp7588's Arena
OVR: 6
Join Date: Aug 2003
Re: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) full gameplay in HD

I don't think he's necessarily looking for pats on the back. It's hard to make progress when you're told you're doing nothing right.

It would be extremely frustrating if I was your waiter at a restaurant and when I went to take your order all you told me was "IT'S COLLLLD IN HERE!!!1 I HATE TOMATOESS!!!! YOUHAVE DIRTY BATHROOMS!!!"

If you notice something you don't like, by all means, point it out. But the "this is the same old broken, sh***y Madden" attitude is kind of tired at this point. If you are thoroughly convinced that, despite the obvious improvements, this game is not going to satisfy you, I think you might want to drop football video games and pick up a new hobby.

Ian isn't doing us any favors by making Madden, it's his job. But the dedication he has shown to the community is not a job requirement. He could drop it all right now and we could never hear from him again and I guarantee you he wouldn't be reprimanded in the least by his superiors. We have a unique opportunity here and I'd hate to see it go to waste because a handful of people want to "tell it like it is" or as I think most people would say "be douchebags".
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