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Old 06-12-2009, 10:07 PM   #374
OVR: 5
Join Date: Aug 2008
Re: Ravens (CPU) vs. Titans (Ian) full gameplay in HD

I'm curious, for those of you saying the running animations are a game-breaker for you, have you played any Madden or NCAA next-gen in the past couple years? I'm assuming not, and here's why: NCAA 09 was my first next-gen football purchase, and upon first playing, I was pretty disgusted with the running animations. I thought for sure they were going to detract from my enjoyment of the overall experience. But in reality, after about 50 games (I played over 500), you really stop paying attention to how weird they are. You just get used to it, and before long you really don't notice it at all.

Ian said since day one that gameplay was going to be the focus. You get used to the animations and they don't detract from the real gameplay. I'm sure they will be modified/redone for Madden 11, since they're far from perfect. But I'm just saying, don't convince yourself they're going to take away the fun for you. Certainly don't pass on the game just because of the running animations, for your own sake.
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