06-13-2009, 02:18 AM
Re: WOW...I just picked up MLB 2K7! LOL...its the best of the bunch
After some more thorough gameplay, I can definitely see where some of this game's issues do shine thru
-some sluggish framerates at times
-loopy throws on occassion by infielders
-batter/pitcher camera lacks customization to get better views
-batted balls physics and trajectories seem a little supercharged and/or off in comparison to 2K9's more realistic results
I was able to tame homers a bit
I havent gotten into Franchise play so I'm guessing I wont see as much a robust'ness' as 2K9
Either way, I think 2K7 had a better foundation to work from....It seems like the player models and animations are stiffer and more robotic in 2K8 and 2K9 while 2K7 had more human and natural movements that just needed to be brought to a smoother framerate