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Old 06-14-2009, 08:23 PM   #40
Deegeezy's Arena
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Re: All team ratings from pasta today on excel...

Originally Posted by Chiefsfan881129
I Hate to do it as i useally dont complain about madden or the player ratings but i must say THESE PLAYER RATINGS SUCK I dont care if it because of the new ratings its just an excuse in my book 3 things come to mind that made me determain how big of a JOKE THESE RATINGS ARE I ALMOST FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR LAUGHING AT HOW DUMB THESE RATINGS ARE COMPARED TO PREVIOUS YEARS IT MAKES ME WONDER WHOEVER DOES THE RATINGS IF HE IS DRUNK WHEN DOING THE RATINGS

# 1 Chiefs P Dustin Colquitt a 78 WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me this guy is one of the games best Punters and he gets a 78 i dont care if he had a bad year last year he was Hurt but whoever did the ratings is drunk because you cant sit there and tell me a top 5 punter is only a 78 ovr

heck if my leg was hurt for half of a season i could not kick the ball either so are you going to downgrade me EA I would hope not

granted he stuggled last year but he had a hammy problem for most of the season and it hurt his avg and stuff who cant kick when you have a hammy problem i know i wouldn't and couldn't

this guy is still a top 5 punter I Think the so called ratings dude needs to go spend more time in the film room before doing ratings cuz he seems clueless this is the #1 bonified joke right here Comon EA Whats your lousy excuse

cuz i dont see one and i surly dont see any new kicking ratings but yet he is a 78 ok whatever EA Start watching film before doing your ratings cuz this is a joke

#2 Glenn Dorsey a 75 but Eillis of the Aints is an 85 Ellis is overrated and had a bad year last year like dorsey and is not good at all yes Dorsey struggled but he had poor coaching which did him no good

yes he is swiching Positions but his rating should stay in the 80's until he proven he is no good and cant play the postion again the ratings are a joke

#3 Flowers and Carr and Legett 77, 71, and 59 what a joke these guys played really good For rookie CB'S last year mostly Flowers and Carr who took Surtain job which says alot about a rookie and yet these guys get shafted these 2 guys are on there way to being the best CB duo in the league and prolly become 2 of the best Shutdown Corners in the league granted for as bad as a pass rush the Chiefs had last year these 3 played above expctations and yet get these joke ratings whatever EA your really funny

Flowers should be more of an 82 while carr a 77 and leggett a 65 but Again whoever does the ratings is drunk and needs to watch more film and he would see these guys played better then he rated them untill these ratings are fixed they will be a joke and its sad they chose to go the 2k route which is why i really could not get in to espn nfl 2k5 altought it seems these ratings make the game play better which is cool and is what i want but surly tthere are guys who should have better ratings and out preformed the ratings they currenly have and get shafted which is a joke alot of these guys had good years and looking at some of the ratings there are players who had worse years and get better ratings then the guy who had a good year what a joke anyway i thought i point how big of a joke these ratings are and i hope next year and during the weekly roster updates this year that EA watches film and rates the players how they should be rated and be fair about it instead of this favorisem stuff they pull every year

and hopefully they do the same for Madden 2011 cuz right now these ratings are a joke mainly because of Colquitts ratings which once i saw this i knew these ratings Suck anyway good day

there is meny more i could think of but i'll save those for another day right now this is the 3 biggest jokes in terms of how bad these ratings suck get rid of them or fix em good day!
Ellis had a bad year last year?
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