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Old 06-17-2009, 05:09 PM   #92
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Video: West Virginia @ Louisville (Default AA Sliders)

Originally Posted by TheTodd84
1. How is Ben Haumiller still employed? If this crap were any other profession and someone did this awful of a job of oversight and letting crap like this be a final product, they would be canned with no questions asked. If my performance at my job was that horrible, I would expect to come in the next day and have my desk completely cleaned out with a message "**** you" on my desk, lol.
just so you know, Ben Haumiller is not the NCAA lead designer. he works on the Dynasty modes(online and off). not sure what he has to do with it. I guess most people blame him just because he is one of the devs that does the interviews and such(those Season Showdown video of him really piss people off, including me though, ), and in those situations, he is supposed to "try" and "sell" the game. remember when Ian was not the lead and "tried" to sell old versions of Madden in interviews even though they were terrible. and look where he is at now and what he does.
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