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Old 06-18-2009, 03:31 PM   #310
Producer - EA Sports
Bumble14's Arena
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Re: Official NCAA Football 10 Demo Impressions

I just spent about an hour with the demo- it's downright terrible. People keep saying that the game is NCAA 9.5, but to me it feels like 7.5- NCAA 08 played better.

I'm not quite sure what happened this year, but the animations and player feel is just off. For some reason you just do not have the control over your players as you had in 09. People can complain all they want about 09's downfalls, but there was no denying that you felt as if you had complete control over your player. The game feels very herky jerky when transitioning between moves, and the speed of the players seems to be too fast for the animations to adjust to.

Robo QB is back, there is no human pass rush unless you use the player lock, crossing routes are unstoppable, and cpu d-line men have been given superhuman speeds boosts to compensate for poor angles (I got tracked down by a DE while having a solid 5 yeard head start with Tebow on a scramble).

Here's my take on the game based on the demo- instead of actually fixing the issues in 09, EA simply went ahead and "nerfed" areas that were too powerful, and "tweaked" areas that were nerfed last year. The overall feel is extremely sloppy, and unless the final game is a huge step up, this could be the worst NCAA since 05.

I was very excited to see the positive reaction initially by the community, because as someone who loves this series more than any other game, I wanted it to be solid. I'm very sad to say that this year is looking like the very first time in 10 years I will not be standing in line at a midnight release. I am extremely disappointed with the direction this series is heading- it is becoming the 2K baseball of football games.

As much as it pains me to say, since I hate the NFL, I can't wait for Madden 10.
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