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Old 06-19-2009, 12:17 PM   #16
crob8822's Arena
OVR: 8
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Cypress Ca.
Re: How do you play?

Originally Posted by PGaither84
it surprises me how many people say they only play a few online games and then are done for good. How many of you played ranked game? How many played unranked? in my experience unranked is the way to go. People seem to think that their online ranked rating score thingy matters at all and will play what ever way they think it takes to win. While you will find quitters and cheesers in unranked games as well [cheesers who play unranked games often do so thinking of it as "practice mode"] but a lot of people I have in unranked games like to play real football.

I am just so sick of how easy the computer is to defeat on all-pro mode and how in all-madden mode it has to cheat adn screw you over to make up for what ever skill it lacks. players running the wrong way, abandoning coverages and blocks at the most inopertune times while computer controlled players play with what appears to be 100awareness, knowing your play pre-snap and adjusting accordingly [come out in a big formation in a play action after running the ball hard and well and the defense comes out in a dime, or call a draw on 3rd and 4 out of a 4 wide spread formation and the d is in the 46. Then despite what you do in the audibles, the computer always knows what you audibled into and adjusts accordingly as well... makes me so angry and is so unfun.]
wouldn't it be cool if there was a feature in madden, where you can set up the computer opponents game plan, meaning you can list a group of plays passing or running plays that are commonly run by that team, or better yet they can get the coaches to set up there teams there game plan and program it into madden so in example say I was playing the Pittsburgh Steelers. I will be matching IQ's against Mike Timlin IQ instead of having the computer randomly picking plays. There was a feature in 2K5 where the computer matches your play call habits.
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