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Old 06-23-2009, 03:50 PM   #23
OVR: 4
Join Date: Aug 2008
Re: Madden NFL 10 Wii: Madden Showdown - Screenshots and Video Included

Originally Posted by Deegeezy
Did I say "cartoonish equals awful?" How about not putting words into people's mouth. I could've gone into greater detail about more reasons it looks bad but had no interest in it.

Anyway, If I wanted to watch cartoons, I'll watch cartoons; Not buy Madden.

Even my 7-year old makes fun of how terrible this game looks.
wow, nice 7 year old.
nice traits of basic manners and respect he has.
we wonder why kids are out of control these days.

when i was 7, i disrespect, i get a mouthful of palm skin.
these days it gets chest puffed on a video game message board.

in any event, the people complaining bout that madden on wii sucks and that they wouldnt play it, weren't u the same ones bailing out on 09 and 08 on the ps360 versions and heading back to play the 'better' ps2 version, which is the SAME engine as the wii versions.
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