Ian: Not anymore! We introduced the new sneak animation that can be “steered” by you – this ensures that you don’t just take off running right when you get the snap. One key note though, this is only ‘active’ against 5+ down linemen fronts. If the defense comes out in a 4 man front or fewer against it, the QB will choose to run with it. We did this because it looked dumb when the QB would just fall to the ground with no defenders around. One thing to keep in mind though is that the QB is immediately exposed to hard hits and a risk of injury or fumbling (we juice all those chances up to emulate the increase in aggressiveness defenders get when they see a QB running in the open field). Anyway, against a goal line defense now, you can really only expect the sneak to gain 1-2 yards at the absolute maximum, with an obvious risk of not getting anything at all. You can see the new animation in action at the 7:40 mark in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqJrdp8MqUI . to me this is not really fixed then..