06-30-2009, 09:22 PM
Dear SCEA, You've Made The Best Baseball Game Ever, But...
Seriously, this game is fabulous and beautiful and a joy to play. There are flaws to be sure, but they're the flaws those of us who love this game notice and nitpick over.
However, there is one thing that is driving me crazy in RTTS. And that is that STATS mean nothing. I am getting about as many points as I can and hitting all the achievement goals, but the end result is ridiculous.
As starting shortstop for the last-place Orioles in my 5th season of play, I batted cleanup and hit .320 with 38 HRs, 118 RBIs and finished 3rd in the MVP voting. Every one of my notes after an Achievement Goal was followed with what a great career I was going to have.
So what happens at the end of this season? The Orioles offer me a AAA contract at less money than I was making the year before. I accept arbitration and win 10 million dollars/year. They put me on waivers and I am claimed by the last-place Giants.
I'm sorry, but this is patently absurd and it happens at the end of every season. Results seemingly mean nothing in RTTS and this should be addressed. My numbers are in the low 60s for power and contact, 50s for speed, and 40s for Fielding. Either results should garner more points so that people ratings will be higher and lead to better options from teams or they need to be a lesser part of the equation.
It's ridiculous that after an MVP season for a last-place team, the only team that will have me is another last place team after being put on waivers. So now I'm batting 7th/8th for a terrible team after putting at numbers that should have me in the middle of the order on any team in baseball.
Please address this for the greatest baseball video game ever made for next year.