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Old 07-02-2009, 06:21 PM   #4
OVR: 42
Join Date: Mar 2009
Blog Entries: 14
Re: Breaking Down the Wall: The Evolution of Community Interaction

First off, nice article about something I tend to worry about probably more than I need to.

Because I strongly believe the more vocal voices on the internet DO NOT represent the majority on almost every subject matter, it worries me to see this kind of discourse...

From the article...

"The producers and the designers are still going to make the decisions at the end of the day," Russell said. "But if we can give them the tools to help better the product [based on] what our consumers say, that’s where the win-win is. So it’s not about the hardcore community or the casual community, because that’s not what this team is focused on for our product year-in and year-out. It’s about creating the most realistic MLB experience you can. That transcends the casual crowd and transcends the hardcore crowd. If it’s authentic, everybody is going to play it."

It doesn't seem logical to me that because the casual gamer is in effect "casual", he's not represented in the antics of the internet fan who loudly types that no colored socks is a "deal breaker". But it's good to see the developers have a handle on the types of representation that is out there.
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